5 Movements Are The Key

August 14, 2017 6:38 pm Published by

The purpose of the Venezuelan maracas online course is to show, in just five key movements, the traditional language of maracas. Subsequently, these movements will become 25 basic combinations, which allow the student to work on motor independence and thus discover the true source where all the traditional Venezuelan rhythms come from.


May 20, 2024 5:40 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Beca a uno o más niños en Venezuela durante 12 meses para que vivan la experiencia y la oportunidad de formarse académicamente en el maravilloso mundo de las maracas venezolanas a través del curso online del método 5 Movements Are The Key. En donde cada niño podrá disfrutar de 344 videos animados e ilustrados que explican con detenimiento los IV capítulos del TOMO I y TOMO II. También podrán contar con asesoría personalizada durante todo el año. Que las maracas venezolanas se expandan al mundo, con la consciencia musical que abrirá nuevos caminos interpretativos e innovadores. ¡Manos a las Maracas!


October 17, 2022 1:38 am Published by 1 Comment

number of pages: 164
measurements: letter sheet
21,59 cm x 27,94 cm closed
43,18 cm x 27,94 open
Paper: Glaze 150gr
Print: 4 inks
Binding: soft cover in 250 gr glaze with matt plastic coating on one side, woven square spine.
Includes 3 months of online course with 144 animated and illustrated videos
Free shipping to America and Europe
